Differentiante behaviorism, innatism, and interactionism
Differentiate behaviorism, innatism, and interactionism
Behaviorism is emphasizing performance and behavior in successful learning, In behaviorism, someone learns oral language from other humans through processes that involve imitation, appreciation, and practice. Children acquire language through more practice, repeating the same words or phrases. Innatism views language as a creative process, acquiring language through physical interactions with the environment. Innatists do not see language development as something that is influenced by responses to stimuli as behaviorists do. One would have a very hard time learning or mastering one language after one passed a certain period of time, usually before puberty. Children do not only imitate the sounds they hear when learning languages, but also arrange grammar in the language as they go through the natural development process. While Interactionism uses language in communicative actions, children learned language mainly through interacting with people, including adults and their peers. Children learn their first words from others people’s interactions with them. Language learning takes place only through direct contact with the native speaker or caretaker. Interactionists state that when native speakers communicate with language learners, they modify their language to accommodate communicative abilities and the level of understanding of language learners. Language learners also use their language skills when they communicate with native speakers, and if there are some unclear messages during the communication.
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