
Showing posts from September, 2022

Which of the aforementioned views on the history of globalization do find most appealing?

  Which of the aforementioned views on the history of globalization do you find most appealing? Why? The most appealing view in the history of globalization for me is hardwired. When we say globalization, it is the process by which ideas, knowledge, goods and services, and information spread around the world. And I believe that it will happen if people will start to travel and try to interact with other people where the exchange of goods and information takes place. As we can see from the concept of Nayan Chanda (hardwired) that globalization began with the exodus of the first human in Africa. Africans are our ancestors. Well, we knew that we modern humans originated in Africa so, therefore, of course, there is a big possibility that the first origin of globalization will be in that place.  Our ancestor was urged to travel because they experience depletion in their resources and they need to search for a climate where more food was available to make their life better and s...

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of homogenization of culture

   What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of homogenization of culture?  One of the advantages of homogenization of culture for me is that the connection of people around the world will become stronger, and tighten which creates bonding with each other since the communication between them is comprehensible to one another because they already have one culture and beliefs, this avoids misconception. People have more access to the new cultural products and they can able to import products legally. Since communication is easier across borders, the access to information and data needed by people is also accessible. People around the world share ideas and understanding of the world thatā€™s why many countries cooperate in the development of education technology following the standard set. People can have more opportunities and choices in the content the world can offer like music, movies, and more options for consumers. Now, on the other hand, the disadvanta...

Are societies in the world becoming more similar (homogenous) or more different (heterogenous)

  Are societies in the world becoming more similar (homogenous) or more different (heterogeneous)?   From my observation that was happening today the world is now becoming more similar or homogenous. Most of the things we used nowadays are becoming more accessible to everyone. The influence of global products like phones, cars even beauty products has become dominant to people and an increasing number of people preferred to buy almost the same unit of cellphones, and items with the same brands and styles. We can even buy whatever we want online and there are products that all countries can use or purchase. There is a restaurant that is available globally and wherever you are around the globe you can buy the foods similarly and eat in the same restaurant or fast food. For example, the largest fast food chain in the world is McDonald where everyone can avail same foods. We preferred branded products, clothes, and shoes that become trends and fashion by people.   It is eas...

How will you apply the concept of the monitor model as future English Teacher

  How will you apply the concept of the monitor model as a future English Teacher? Sometimes I wonder how teachers become great in their profession even if no one noticed their perseverance and consistency in teaching. It is easy for students to distinguish a teacher who has heart in their chosen career. Students can feel the seriousness and can see the ability of a teacher once they teach. Students regardless of their capacity to acquire learning from a good teacher. That is not magic it is the work of a teacher who knows what exactly they are doing. What if I become a teacher? This is the question I am processing in my mind today.  Applying the concept of Stephen Krashenā€™s monitor model is what I needed, to become an effective and reliable teacher to my future students. First I need to plan, teaching without planning is useless. Because my goal is to have meaningful interaction with my students. I would like to understand my student first. I need to monitor each and ever...

How does English Control around the world

  How does English ā€œControlā€ the World English become the worldā€™s main communication tool. It became the dominant and official language of the world.  The English has now the power to shape new people's cultures.  This is commonly used in communication where people express their thoughts and ideas that may influence and change people's minds and way of living. People use English to have power in growing connections in business and employment. It became the standard for someone to become competent in whatever field they would like to engage in. This is an advantage for a business owner to extend their company globally. Indeed, most multinational companies prefer English so that their employees around the world can understand each other. With the use of the English language, the world can control the spread of products and the flow of finances all around the countries. Trade become possible and the development of new technologies made it easy....

Is English a sacred language

  Is English a sacred language? English is a universal language and this is also helpful to understand the religious doctrines of people who have different languages however for me it is not considered sacred. The English language was used only to translate the original scriptures written in other languages like our bible which is originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.  Since sacred language is dedicated to religious purposes or a religious language unlike English we use it for good and evil while sacred language is where the revelation from God is received and used by the churches without changing its true meaning and maintaining the only source. If an original scripture will be translated the divine message might change and the interpretation might not be correct that leads to confusion. Sacred language is not used in ordinary communication thus we can say that English is not sacred since it is used by everyone even in ordinary and common conversation, they even...

Factors Affecting Second Language Acquisition

  Factors Affecting Second Language Acquisition    Language is important, it begins as early as the child starts to hear and tends to speak. This is the time when he or she wants to express himself to others or to ask something to someone. But a child cannot only learn one language as he or she grows up but he or she can acquire two or more languages depending on his or her capabilities and their environment. And what are the factors that affect people's second language? Based on the observation not everyone is at the same level of proficiency in their language. You may say that those who are excellent at communicating with others are those who are knowledgeable about their language. They are someone who is creative and imaginative with a better understanding of the things around them yet who can deliver a message perfectly and comprehensibly to others. On the other hand, acquiring a second language is a personal choice for us if we want to become fluent in it. As a ...

Differentiante behaviorism, innatism, and interactionism

    Differentiate behaviorism, innatism, and interactionism Behaviorism is emphasizing performance and behavior in successful learning, In behaviorism, someone learns oral language from other humans through processes that involve imitation, appreciation, and practice. Children acquire language through more practice, repeating the same words or phrases. Innatism views language as a creative process, acquiring language through physical interactions with the environment. Innatists do not see language development as something that is influenced by responses to stimuli as behaviorists do. One would have a very hard time learning or mastering one language after one passed a certain period of time, usually before puberty. Children do not only imitate the sounds they hear when learning languages, but also arrange grammar in the language as they go through the natural development process. While Interactionism uses language in communicative actions, children learned language mainly th...

The difference between Primary and Secondary Resources with examples

     The Difference between Primary and Secondary Resources with examples          Historical sources will tell us about history and it can be obtained from artifacts, literary sources, documents, etc., and will help us understand the event or what happened a long time ago from the point of view of the people who lived through them. This historical source is classified into two which are primary sources and secondary sources.  When we say primary sources, it includes diaries, letters, interviews, speeches, government records, videos, photographs, diaries, memos, and the like. Primary sources are written or produced by someone who has first-hand testimony or experience of the event, a source produced at the same time as the event or topic being studied. It is the original materials. This is also considered the most direct evidence of the event or time since it was created or witnessed by the people present at the time. For example, we are...

Why is it crucial to emphasize that globalization is uneven?

  Why is it crucial to emphasize that globalization is uneven? It is crucial to emphasize that globalization is uneven because aside from the advantages brought by globalization around the world it has disadvantages too that need to be considered most especially to the country who is left behind by the changes brought by new technologies and modernization of the facilities and equipment in industry.  There are cases that this globalization causes problems for a country like it favors industrialization that might harm the environment. So, it is crucial to emphasize that globalization is uneven for us to be aware and know the problem. Knowing the root of the problem, we may find possible solutions to lessen the poverty that may be caused by globalization. But globalization can provide the best services to humans and makes it easier to connect to different kinds of people around the world that aid in advancement of infrastructure, economic growth and overall development, thus...

Practices and Characteristics of the Filipino that still exist now

  Do you think some of the observed characteristics and practices of the early Filpino still exist now a day? Give examples, if there are. Justify if there is none. Answer: Yes, some of the observed characteristics and practices of the early Filipinos still exist now a day.  Samples:  The use of karaoke  Bayanihan Celebrating Fiestas  Celebrating Christmas Pagmamano Filipino  are hospitable Strong families ties Pakikisama Crab mentality Using the word ā€œbahala naā€ Filipino time Eating rice for main meals Giving gifts  Using Chinese products Hilot as a traditional massage Consulting in mangkukulam and mambabarang Using statues or idols in worshipping God

First Voyage around the World by Pigafetta- the Importance

  Discuss the importance of the text, the author's background, the context of the document, and its contribution to understanding Philippine History. The text is imperative in understanding Philippine history since these are the documents where data and information were written in connection to past events. This is the way we can gain knowledge and understanding about what happened in the past, we will be able to know important people and their contributions to our country. The text when we will read it will inform us of the specific events that are relevant today, the important dates that we should take note and places we should be aware of. This will give us a wider idea and deeper comprehension of our history after it was interpreted by a certain author. The book The First Voyage around the World by Magellan was published by Antonio Pigafetta considered the most cited document in studying the pre-colonial Philippines. Why? Because his travelogue is a primary source. Asid...

Explain How Historian write History

   Explain how Historians write History. Historians are experts in the study of past events. They study changes over time, also the development of the country. They are very keen on artifacts, fossils, literature like songs, and other poetry that needs attention. They are not just jotting down what they heard, what they found out, or what they have received,  but rather they conduct several investigations. Historians before making history have a historical background in their studies in schools so if they will write something they have ideas on how to make one. They write history not for their own good but for the people who will be benefactors of the facts that they have discovered. But facts cannot speak for themselves so they need to interpret the way the facts become considerable and reliable to be part of human life. Because history is all about important events and how they can be used in the future. It is all about the mistakes we can learn from the past and th...

The Difference between History and Historiography

                                              The Difference between History and        Historiography                     History is the study of the past or the analysis of the past that is worked by historians through investigation. They also documented the accounts of people or the group of people most significant individuals like heroes, kings, monarchs, presidents, and others. This includes past events, and the cause, and effect of what happened in the past that greatly impact this present situation. The specific dates are also recorded particularly those that have important details on them.               So when it comes to historiography, it says that it is a history of history. So, meaning to say i...